Nazi Germany Key Events Flashcards 1933 to 1939


The flashcard deck is a great way to learn the key concepts and the key event surrounding the period from the time of the elevation of the Nazi party to power to the eve of World War 2. Part of our learning series on Germany 1918 - 1939.
Andrew Burke
Flashcards by Andrew Burke, updated more than 1 year ago
Andrew Burke
Created by Andrew Burke over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Totalitarian A system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state.
The Schutzstaffel (SS) Highly trained force that was loyal to Hitler. The SS had primary responsibility for destroying opposition and carrying out Nazi racial policies, led by Heinrich Himmler.
Gestapo These were the state secret police, commanded by Reinhard Heydrich.
Propaganda The presentation of information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view e.g. Joseph Goebbels and censorship.
Volksgemeinschaft 'National Community'. People were to be loyal not to their own social group but to Germany and its leader.
The Swing Movement A movement that demonstrated their discontent with the Nazi regime through their interest in banned music, especially American jazz and swing.
The Edelweiss Pirates The name given to many small groups of young people across Germany. They wore the edelweiss flower as a symbol of resistance against the Nazis.
White Rose Movement A group of university students who distributed anti-Nazi leaflets and urged the Germans not to support World War Two.
'Gold Cross' The medal women were awarded by the Nazi regime for having more than eight children.
Public Works Projects Part of the Nazi Economic Policy aimed at getting the unemployed working again e.g. building of motorway projects
Strength Through Joy A scheme that gave workers cheap theatre and cinema tickets, organised trips, sports events and holidays on luxury liners.
Beauty of Labour This movement improved working conditions in factories and introduced washing facilities and canteens to workplaces.
'Blood and Soil' The belief that peasant farmers were the basis of Germany's master race.
Euthanasia This is the act of putting someone to death or permitting the death of someone who is extremely sick or injured.
Anti-Semitism Is defined as the hatred of the Jewish race.
Kristallnacht ('Night of the Broken Glass') In November 1938, SS troopers went around villages and towns smashing and burning Jewish-owned businesses.
Gleichschaltung This was a policy pursued by the Nazi regime, it means co-ordination. It involved the taking over of organisations and instiutions and putting Nazis in charge.
Confessional Church A number of Protestant pastors, led by Martin Niemöller, who formed the Confessional Church to oppose Hitler's Reich Church.
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