Virginia Woolf and the bloomsbury group


biblioteca Flashcards on Virginia Woolf and the bloomsbury group, created by Helena Prieto on 11/07/2017.
Helena Prieto
Flashcards by Helena Prieto, updated more than 1 year ago
Helena Prieto
Created by Helena Prieto over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Educação Literária Metas de Português Interdisciplinaridade Virginia Woolf Writer 1882-1941
She is wearing a black hat, a lace dress and a necklace
Man- T- shirt , Coat and trousers, black shoes Girl - skirt (Kilt), dark jumper, headband , socks and sandals Woman - long skirt and jacket, scarf and a large straw hat
Free time activities Performing a playing acting
Talking and resting in the garden
Reading and taking photos
Charlston house where the Boombury group stayed
The studio at Charlston House paintings, bookshelves, firepace, cupboard, armchair, mirror, rug,
Bedroom in Charlston Farm Bed, bedside table, paintings, chair, lamp
Bedroom in Charlston Farm Bed, bedside table, paintings, chair, lamp and curtains
The studio at Charslton house firepace carpet armchairs chest of drawers paintins sculptures
The dining room dinning table with chairs cupboard, side table, curtains, paintings, ceiling lamps
Living room - studio bokshelves firepave paintings table armchairs
The library of Charlston house bookshelves paintingd a sofa a chair a table curtains
Bedroom - Vanessa Bell's room ( sister of Virginia Woolf) Paintings, chest of drawers, bed, bedcover
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