Somatic Nervous System


Gross Anatomy Flashcards on Somatic Nervous System, created by Kristina Redd on 12/07/2017.
Kristina Redd
Flashcards by Kristina Redd, updated more than 1 year ago
Kristina Redd
Created by Kristina Redd over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
These motor (efferent) neurons convey neural impulses from the CNS (brain & spinal cord) to distant targets, such as muscles, organs, and glands. Multipolar neurons
These sensory (afferent) neurons convey neural impulses from sensory receptor (in skin, muscles, organs) to the CNS. Pseudounipolar neurons
The nervous system can be divided into two parts based on ___ and ___ . structure and function
What are the structural subdivisions of the NS? Central NS and Peripheral NS
What are the functional subdivisions of NS? Somatic (voluntary) NS & Autonomic (involuntary) NS
What is the involuntary division of the NS? Autonomic
What is the voluntary division of the NS? Somatic
What are two functions of the CNS? 1. integrates/coordinates incoming and outgoing signals 2. carries out higher order "cognitive" functions such as learning & memory
What are the two body parts of the CNS? brain and spinal cord
What do cross-sections of the spinal cord reveal? gray matter and white matter
This particular type of matter is somewhat H-shaped. It consists of regions within the CNS with a high density of neuronal cell bodies. Gray matter
This particular type of matter consists of nerve axon bundles (tracts), which travel to and from the brain. White matter
How are gray matter regions divided? Dorsal and Ventral horns
What type of horns lie on the posterior side of gray matter? Dorsal horns
What type of horns lie on the anterior side of gray matter? ventral horns
This system consists of all neural tissues outside the CNS. Peripheral Nervous System
This division of the NS conducts impulses to or away from the CNS. Peripheral Nervous System
What is a ganglion (ganglia)? A collection of nerve cell bodies in the PNS
What is a bundle of nerve axons in the PNS? peripheral nerve
How are peripheral nerves classified? As either cranial nerves or spinal nerves
How many pairs of cranial nerves are there? 12 pair
What arises from the spinal cord? spinal nerves (peripheral nerves)
How many pairs of spinal nerves are there? What are the different types? 31 pairs - 8 cervical - 12 thoracic - 5 lumbar - 5 sacral - 1 coccygeal
How many spinal segments are throughout the length of the spinal cord? 31 (one for each pair of spinal nerves)
How do spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord? By rootlets
What do rootlets converge to form? Dorsal roots and Ventral roots
Dorsal and Ventral roots unit to form a ____ ____ . spinal nerve
Identify the formation of a spinal nerve.
Spinal nerves divide into two branches of these. Dorsal and Ventral rami
What type of nerves are spinal nerves and their branches (dorsal & ventral rami) considered? peripheral nerves
Dorsal rami convey nerve fibers (axons) to/from what? Back muscles and skin overlying the back
Ventral rami convey nerve fibers (axons) to/from what? Anterior and lateral regions of the torso/trunk arms and legs
What are the types of peripheral nerves? somatic motor, somatic sensory, visceral motor, and visceral sensor
____ ____ ____ convey impulses from the CNS to skeletal (voluntary) muscles. Somatic motor nerves
Are somatic motor nerves multipolar or pseudounipolar? multipolar
___ ____ ____ convey sensations from the body to the CNS. Somatic Sensory Nerves
What 3 types of sensations are experienced by somatic sensory nerves? pain, touch, and temperature
Are somatic sensory nerves multipolar or pseudounipolar? pseudounipolar neurons
Where do cell bodies of somatic motor nerves reside in? ventral horn
The axons of the somatic motor nerves exit the spinal cord via the ___ ___ and ultimately innervate skeletal muscles. ventral root
Somatic sensory nerve axons project into the dorsal horn of the spinal cord via what root? the dorsal root
Where do the cell bodies of the somatic sensory nerves reside? Dorsal root ganglion (a swelling located along the dorsal root of all spinal nerves)
These ___ ____ nerves convey impulses from the CNS out to skeletal (voluntary) muscles, such as biceps. Somatic Motor
These ___ ___ nerves convey sensations (pain, temp, touch, proprioception) from the body to the CNS. Somatic (General) Sensory
What two types of neurons does the SNS or "voluntary" nervous system utilize? sensory portion & motor portion
What does the sensory portion of the SNS convey? sensations of touch, temp, pain from peripheral sensory receptors
What does the motor portion of the SNS convey? voluntary or reflexive movements by contracting skeletal muscles
If I touched a warm iron, what nervous system is being used? SNS
What does the Autonomic Nervous System innervate? organs (viscera) in the body cavities smooth & cardiac muscle glands (sweat & salivary)
What parts of the body doesn't the somatic nervous system innervate? organs (viscera) in the body cavities smooth & cardiac muscle glands (sweat & salivary)
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