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World War I - Mrs. C
Flowchart on World War I - Mrs. C, created by Mrs. C on 31/10/2017.
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world war i
world history
10th grade
Flowchart by
Mrs. C
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Mrs. C
about 7 years ago
Resource summary
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World War I-Mrs. C
In Europe tensions are high with feelings of...
WWI Begins June 28, 1914
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Austria-Hungary Archduke, by a Serbian terrorist for Bosnia's independence from Austria-Hungary empire.
This starts the System of Allies.
Austria-Hungary declare war on Serbia.
Russia declares war on Austria-Hungary.
Germany declares war on Russia.
France declares war Germany.
Germany invades France via Belgium
Britain declares war on Germany.
Ottoman Empire allies with Austria-Hungary.
National pride.
Building a nations military
Empire building, wanting territory
Pres. Wilson Chooses Neutrality
U.S. had too many ethnic backgrounds to choose a side +no "entangling alliances".
Neutrality allowed the U.S to have potential economic relations w/ both sides.
British Blockade + German U-Boats attacks make neutrality difficult.
U-Boat fire on Lusitania, The Arabic and Sussex pushing U.S. further into conflict.
Leads to Sussex Pledge Germans would warn ships of attack of U.S broke British blockade.
U.S. begins Prepareness Movement to be ready to enter the war if necessary.
Propaganda Campaign begins in U.S. against Germany
British intercept Zimmermann Note. This increases U.S. Anti-German feelings.
Zimmernann Note: Germany would ally with Mexico if U.S. entered the war.
Pres. Wilson asks Congress to declare war on Germany
Congress declares war on Germany. April 2, 1917
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