Humanistic Theory - Rogers & Maslow


Psychosocial Dysfunction 1 Flowchart on Humanistic Theory - Rogers & Maslow, created by Robin Decker on 20/09/2018.
Robin Decker
Flowchart by Robin Decker, updated more than 1 year ago
Robin Decker
Created by Robin Decker almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Flowchart nodes

  • Humanistic Theory
  • Carl Rogers "Client-Centered" Therapy vs. Patient Theory: A single "Force of Life" called Actualizing Tendency (Maslow's Self-Actualization) Client as center of effective change Terminology: 1. Non-directive: no opinion given by therapist 2. Unconditional positive regard: like client; behavior not taken into account 3. Accurate empathy: be present; tune into client 4. Open invitation to talk: open questions; encourage talking 5. Minimal response: let client do most of talking 6. Reflection of feeling: empathy 7. Paraphrasing: restate to client show listening 8. Warmth & Withholding Judgment: no opinions given
  • Abraham Maslow   More theorist than therapist Motivation = Need Fulfillment People basically trustworthy, self protecting, & self governing   Hierarchy of Needs: Deficit Needs (Basic Human Needs) 1. Physiological - food, water, shelter 2. Safety - psychological & physical 3. Love & Belonging-ness - accepted/loved as one is 4. Esteem - how seen/recognized by others Being Needs (Most People Never Get Here) 5. Self-Actualization: Need to accomplish personal goals; become more of who one is to do more of what one wants.
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