Gate 13


psy HumanDesign (Gates) Mind Map on Gate 13, created by 孝宇 張 on 19/11/2017.
孝宇 張
Mind Map by 孝宇 張, updated more than 1 year ago
孝宇 張
Created by 孝宇 張 about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Gate 13
  1. Definition
    1. structure
      1. Collective
        1. 集體迴路建立在了知過去,以建立一種連續性 如文化,記憶的連結—己知連到未知
          1. logical collective
            1. project into future
              1. all collective is logical and duality
            2. abstract collective
              1. look backward into past to create a sense of continuity
            3. abstract process
              1. nothing is really learned until the process is really over. 體驗
                1. rooted in solar plexus
                  1. undefined
                    1. end up exhausted, energy drew by others
                    2. defined
                      1. you generate your own wave
            4. Universal ideas and values in an ordered framework which inspires humanistic cooperation. 具有連續一致性的普世價值與想法 促使人與人之間的合作
              1. the process of collecting the past
                1. 透過聽取他人的經驗及故事 以帶給集體更進一步的啓發
              2. lower trigram
                1. The lower trigram does not know that there is anyone to listen to and everything they hear is sort of by accident. (lack of the other side)
                  1. 被動引發 非持續性
                2. higher trigram
                  1. has opportunity to recognize the other side
                  2. 與記憶及密秘有關的閘門 (13 33)
                    1. 無意識下的傾聽,脫口而出時 也不一定知道自己說了什麼
                  3. 13.1 Empathy
                    1. destructure
                      1. 一爻土星的累基
                        1. 時間累積上的變數
                        2. 集體邏輯迴路 —— low trigram
                          1. passive - victim
                          2. Venus Exalted
                            1. Harmony through affection
                              1. Role of openness in listening to others ion.
                                1. 帶有開放性,真誠的傾聽他人
                                  1. listen - empathy
                                    1. Self in its openness for interaction with others, in its ability to be receptive to others and because this is a gate that collects history, it collects people’s stories.
                              2. Moon Detriment
                                1. The politician kissing babies
                                  1. 膚淺的情感,同理心的開放性之中帶有動機 像政客般,但政客也說明了get ready to go out 有動機的聽
                            2. true nature of 13rd hexagram
                              1. The ability to relate and commune with everyone with equanimity is something that you learn in the lifetime, and not something that you learn right away.
                                1. 一輩子的過程
                                  1. 傾聽者感受到他人帶給自己沉重的的負擔
                                  2. 平靜的與他人産生交流與關連的能力, 這是一輩子的學習課題,而非立馬學會的
                              2. 13.2 Bigotry 偏執型的同理 - 有選擇性的傾聽與同理
                                1. destructure
                                  1. projection
                                    1. 成長歷程
                                      1. 傾聽的學習 需要長時間累積
                                        1. 時間
                                            1. 需要一段時間退回內在 沉澱自己(內省者的特性)
                                        2. 像在說 我會聽你的故事
                                            1. 長時間容忍
                                              1. bigotry
                                              2. 不耐煩
                                          1. 火星個人慾求
                                            1. 並非全時間都能進入開放傾聽的 很多時候只觀注自己的事
                                                1. The risk, always present, that fellowship can only exist for a particular type, whether racial, religious, national or intellectual.
                                                  1. 傾聽的風險隨時都在,只能與特定的人士達成伙伴關係 如特定的種族、宗教、國家、或意識形態
                                                    1. 取(喜),斥(惡)
                                                  2. Moon Exalted
                                                    1. comfort zone ---- 破除過去的障礙 reveal uranus
                                                      1. Tolerance as the least offensive manifestation of bigotry. In the white book, A role of openness through tolerance.
                                                        1. 寛容是Bigotry最不具攻擊性的表現之一 以寛容展現開放性
                                                          1. 寛容的二元性 隱微的不情願
                                                        2. 課題
                                                        3. Sun Detriment
                                                          1. Consciousness of I
                                                            1. A role of openness so narrow that there is practically no one worth listening to.
                                                              1. 開放性不足 認為沒有人值得被傾聽
                                                                1. deaf no longer to listen
                                                                2. The obsessive belief that the highest ideals cannot be embraced by the lowest forms.
                                                                  1. 偏執的認為 低階物種不可能有什麼好的想法
                                                                    1. An extreme difficult position where even the highest ideals provide rationalization for hatred.
                                                                      1. 極度不利於傾聽的位置 即便再好的想法都會被扭曲
                                                                  2. 課題
                                                                    1. 危機及最大的學習 —— 偏見
                                                                      1. 太陽所帶給集體的 —— 我的故事很重要,但也沒那麼重要
                                                              2. 只觀注自己的事,不特別需要什麼
                                                          2. 13.3 Pessimism 傾聽時以證據 及不信任為導向的悲觀主義
                                                            1. 解構
                                                              1. boundless
                                                                1. 策略性思維
                                                                  1. 欵心重 不信任
                                                                    1. 求真的證據導向
                                                                  2. 想要力量 迴避脆弱
                                                                      1. 聽了一個又一個的故事 每個都不是自己要的 —— 失望
                                                                    1. definition
                                                                      1. The belief that what is best can never be achieved.
                                                                        1. 最好的結果永遠也不可能實現
                                                                              1. Earth Exalted
                                                                                1. A lack of trust that can only be transformed through concrete evidence.
                                                                                  1. 傾聽時懷欵缺乏信任,只相信證據
                                                                                    1. 課題
                                                                                      1. to make sense out of the past helps to have evidence rather than just speculation
                                                                                        1. 幫助他人為過去理出頭絮,以證據為 導向,而非故事中只有接二連三的懷疑
                                                                                          1. underlying uncertainties certain what doesnt work certain about life's possibility
                                                                                            1. boundless
                                                                                              1. 為個人了悟生命自由而服務
                                                                                                1. 為幫助他人了解自由性的限制
                                                                                        2. Openness that is conditioned by suspicion and seeks evidence.
                                                                                          1. 其開放性受到疑心及證據導向的制約
                                                                                    2. Venus Detriment
                                                                                      1. Pessimism exalted to an art form
                                                                                        1. 悲觀躍昇為藝術型式
                                                                                          1. 黑色humour 諷刺看待他人及自己
                                                                                            1. 不執著於過去
                                                                                          2. 玫瑰色的眼鏡,以理論或抽像思維 來合理化同理
                                                                                          3. 從爻線來解構
                                                                                            1. 1 爻 uncertain his foundation
                                                                                              1. 找出不可行
                                                                                              2. 2 爻 uncertain his talent - projection
                                                                                                1. 讓不可行來找自己
                                                                                                  1. 事件
                                                                                                    1. 欺馾,假像,行不通 ... (尤其 6/3 1/3)
                                                                                                    2. 他人對自己不正確的期望
                                                                                                      1. 他人看到自己的多疑與悲觀
                                                                                                  2. 3爻 uncertain of what doesn't work - the boundary of freedom
                                                                                    3. 13.4 Fatigue
                                                                                      1. destructure
                                                                                        1. high trigram
                                                                                          1. active
                                                                                          2. unidirectional single minded fixed, jupyter-exploration
                                                                                            1. The point of exhaustion eventually reached when one is too tired to fight.
                                                                                              1. end up recording people endlessly through listening
                                                                                                1. heard enough to stop listening
                                                                                                  1. energy type
                                                                                                    1. non-energy type
                                                                                                  1. too focused too fixex
                                                                                                    1. don't know how to stop
                                                                                                    1. Pluto Exalted
                                                                                                      1. The Openness which leads to exhaustion and the need for silence.
                                                                                                        1. 傾聽的開放性最終導致能量耗盡 需要靜默與沉思,以為自己出一點空間
                                                                                                      2. Venus Detriment
                                                                                                        1. 金星的取悅
                                                                                                          1. Emotional exhaustion. Appeasement and withdrawal.
                                                                                                            1. 耗盡情緒能量 退縮並姑息他人的索求
                                                                                                              1. A role where openness is a vulnerability
                                                                                                                1. 傾聽的開放性成為了自己的弱點
                                                                                                                  1. 他人情緒低落時會想要找有13的人來幫 他們解除情緒上的負荷,最後使自己耗 盡情緒能量
                                                                                                                    1. 課題
                                                                                                                      1. 傾聽完需要靜默與沉思 為自己出一點空間
                                                                                                2. 13.5 Savior
                                                                                                  1. 與書上說的無異(補)
                                                                                                  2. story collector 被限制的觀點 同理心是一種開放性 - an openess Self
                                                                                                    1. 身體爻
                                                                                                      1. 記憶
                                                                                                        1. line 1
                                                                                                          1. line 2
                                                                                                            1. line3
                                                                                                              1. 外在事件形成記憶
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