

History Mind Map on Gleichschaltung, created by Chloe_White on 21/05/2013.
Mind Map by Chloe_White, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Chloe_White over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Churches
    1. Protestants
      1. Reich Church - united 28 state churches which enabled them to control the messages sent out making it an easier influence
        1. Rebelion through creating the Confessional Church - No Nazi influences, so indoctrinated by religion closing it down would create more opposition
          1. German Faith Movement created by Nazis - alternative pagen religion - Mein Kampf = Bible, Swadtika = Cross
            1. Aims: influence younger children as they are the future of Germany and the Third Reich, elders could not be controlled as easily
            2. German Christians - 600,000 supporters, pressure group of Nazi supporters, wore SS/SA uniforms during service
            3. Catholics
              1. Concordat - would not oppose the Regime as long as the regime did not interfere with the Church
                1. The pope was a more threatening figure head who had strong powers over many German people as well as internationally so had to keep him on side
                  1. Concordat fell through so Pope issued the Papal Encryprical which was spread across the country and the world denouncing Hitler and the Nazis
                    1. Reactions
                      1. Italy controlled by Mussolini who had relations with Hitler
                        1. Britain had the policy of appeasement
                          1. Internationally Germany was a good trade industrial power so war was not appealing
                  2. Workers / Volksgemeinschaft
                    1. DAF: German Labour Front
                      1. Strength through Joy
                        1. Beauty of Labour
                          1. Reich Food Estate
                          2. Youth
                            1. Organisations
                              1. Hitler Youth - war games, indoctrinating with Nazi ideology, swear personal oath to Hitler - - Very popular to begin with as teenagers liked to go against their parents views but soon began to get boring and kids skipped meetings
                                1. Late 30's became beaurocratic and militarised
                                2. League of German Maidens - crafts and teaching how to be good ideological Aryan women, Kinde, Kuche, Kirche
                                  1. Catholic Youth Organisations banned
                                  2. Educations
                                    1. Teachers - had to join Nazi teachers union, surveillance of lessons,
                                      1. Under the reestablishment of proffesssional civil service '33 many teachers dismissed on the ground of political unreliability or because they were jewish
                                      2. Subjects
                                        1. P.E. was a focus point, train for army, also meant less educated and became stupid
                                          1. Biology - about blood lines and racial purity
                                            1. History - on the betrayal of November Criminals and the hatred of Treaty of Versailles
                                              1. Maths
                                                1. War calculations - on bombing and timings
                                                  1. How much it would cost to build a lunatic asylum compared to houses for working class
                                                  2. Reformed textbooks
                                                  3. Schools
                                                    1. NAPOLA
                                                      1. Aged 10-18, boarding school for military style education, heavy emphasis on physical education and drills, manual labour and political indoctrination, under SS control '36, 21 schools by '38
                                                      2. Adolf Hitler Schools
                                                        1. Set up after '37 by leaders of Hitler Youth, more elite, between 12-18
                                                        2. Oldensburgen
                                                          1. 1,000 students aged 25-30 - 'Finishing schools for the future leadership'
                                                        3. University
                                                          1. Students had to attend weekly political indoctrination and physical training sessions
                                                            1. 4 month Labour Service - 2 months in an SA camp
                                                              1. Not encouraged - those who were mentally aware were physically weak
                                                          2. Terror
                                                            1. Police State - legalised terror - incorporated political offences and 'show trialed' people in court - Non Aryans were targeted as shown in the Nuremburg Laws
                                                              1. SD - intelligence, SD reports
                                                                1. SS - Secret service - concentration camps - death units
                                                                  1. 60,000 expelled from 33-35 as a result of alcoholism, homosexuality or opportunists
                                                                    1. Himmler - 'merciless sword of jusitce'
                                                                    2. SA - Hitlers personal army
                                                                      1. Ran by Ernst Rohm
                                                                        1. Killed in the Night of the Long Knives along with multiple senior officers
                                                                    3. Women
                                                                      1. Kinde, Kuche, Kirche
                                                                        1. Traditional views - no make-up, no hair dye, no smoking and drinking, long dresses no trousers
                                                                          1. Encouraged to give up their jobs for men
                                                                            1. Medals/Money for having children - SS brothels for those nt married
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