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Imperialism and national efficiency
A-Levels History (Boer War) Mind Map on Imperialism and national efficiency, created by elspeth on 21/05/2013.
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, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Imperialism and national efficiency
Support for the British Empire
Patriotic and pro-empire songs were produced
Land of Hope and Glory 1902
Transvaal 1899
Periodicals were popular and encouraged people to feel pride in the empire
Boy's Own Paper
Union Jack
Baden Powell (hero of Mafeking) established the Scouting movement in 1907 which promoted patriotic values
Criticisms of Britain's imperial role
Some believed that the war was fought to benefit the rich businessmen such as Cecil Rhodes who were in pursuit of gold mines.
Empire was portrayed as an enterprise to benefit rich men and not genuine national interest.
JA Hobson, the Manchester Guardian's correspondent, published an influential book criticizing the British Empire
Imperialism- A Study
Hobson claimed that the empire served the interests of a narrow elite of arms manufacturers, aristocrats and international financiers.
The book was widely read by left wind British writers and politicians
Hobson's book had some political impact on the 1906 elections.
The debate on national efficiency
Refers to the idea that Britain was losing it's position as the world's leading power in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Problems with recruitment to the army highlighted the problems with public health
1/3 of volunteers were turned away because of their health.
In Manchester as many as 3/5 people were turned down
The worry was that poverty and poor physical condition would leave Britain unable to defend her empire.
These concerns were one of the motivations for Liberal Reforms.
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