QVS - IPad Initiative


Mind Map on QVS - IPad Initiative, created by John Lawrence on 22/05/2013.
John Lawrence
Mind Map by John Lawrence, updated more than 1 year ago
John Lawrence
Created by John Lawrence almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

QVS - IPad Initiative
  1. Infrastructure
    1. Wireless Network


      • Mesh Fault Tolerant Network installed by Centerprise. Active from June 2013.
      1. Charging Trollies


        • Pending purchase for Trenchard House. Tabcaddy / Lapcaddy
        1. Device Configuration
          1. Configurator Software


            • Layered approach
            1. Meriki MDM
            2. IPads


              • Ipad 3s to mentors May 12. Ipad 4s to staff April 13, rolled out on a demand vs training basis. Full purchase / Renewal every 3 years. Rolling issue to pupils.
              1. Printers


                • A3 Brother Air enabled, 1 per classroom. Ordered May 2013.
                1. Cloud Storage


                  • Which vendor to use: Skydrive / ICloud / Dropbox.
                  1. Staffing


                    • A new ICT technician, dedicated to supporting IPads will be required.
                  2. Regulation
                    1. Acceptable Use Policy


                      • New Policy document signed by staff on receipt of Ipad
                      1. Insurance
                        1. Safety on Line


                          • Safe browser requirement
                          1. Filter
                            1. Education
                              1. E-Safety Policy Update
                              2. Parental / Media Communication
                              3. Staff Training
                                1. Mentors


                                  • Mr Lawrence Mr Porter Mr McLay Mr Eastham Mr King
                                  1. Inset Days


                                    • Inset for P7 staff in Inset days April 2013.
                                    1. Open Sessions
                                    2. App Purchase
                                      1. VPP Program
                                        1. VPP Manager


                                          • Ken Lawrie vppmanager@qvs.org.uk
                                          1. VPP Facilitator


                                            • Margaret Symon vppfacilitator@qvs.org.uk
                                            1. VPP Configurator


                                              • John Lawrence (1 / 2 others?)
                                            2. Apps
                                              1. Core


                                                • Free Apps: Google Maps, BrainPop, Evernote, Edmodo, Google Earth, ITunesU, IBooks, ExoPlanet, ScoopIt, Google Search, (TeacherKit), Adobe Reader, Stickyboard, Prezi Viewer   Paid Apps: Pages, IMovie, GoodNote, Keynote, Explain Everything  
                                                1. Departmental
                                                2. Update Policy
                                                3. Need
                                                  1. E-Availability


                                                    • Resources (Library / Computing Rooms stretched). This central access model is no longer sustainable. ICT Embedded into lessons where needed, not a special entity.
                                                    1. E-Learning
                                                      1. Consolidation
                                                        1. Inclusion
                                                        2. E-Collaboration
                                                          1. E-Organisation


                                                            • E-diary, E-Portfolio, E-Books.
                                                          2. Enhancing Learning - our Vision
                                                            1. 1.Supporting


                                                              • Internet Access for information retrieval/consumption/lessons Document Creation (Pages, Keynote, etc) Camera for recording whiteboard / notes / specialised activty
                                                              1. 2. Integrating


                                                                • Lessons changing to spport the new technology. Nearpod use. Edmodo use. ITunesU use. Khan Academy, Prep organised. IBooks and Kindles start to replace textbooks. Storytelling via IMovie etc.
                                                                1. 3. Empowering
                                                                  1. Evaluating
                                                                    1. critiquing
                                                                      1. collaborating
                                                                        1. moderating
                                                                        2. Analysing
                                                                          1. organising
                                                                            1. outlining
                                                                              1. deconstructing
                                                                              2. Creating
                                                                                1. podcasting
                                                                                  1. photo / video editing
                                                                                    1. storytelling
                                                                                    2. Applying
                                                                                      1. interviewing
                                                                                        1. simulating
                                                                                          1. demonstrating
                                                                                          2. Knowledge
                                                                                            1. bookmarking
                                                                                              1. searching
                                                                                                1. mind mapping
                                                                                                2. Understanding
                                                                                                  1. blogging
                                                                                                    1. annotating
                                                                                                      1. catergorising
                                                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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