foul facts about victorian towns!


Mind Map on foul facts about victorian towns!, created by Lola Frias on 22/05/2013.
Lola Frias
Mind Map by Lola Frias, updated more than 1 year ago
Lola Frias
Created by Lola Frias over 11 years ago

Resource summary

foul facts about victorian towns!
  1. pollution
    1. alll factories were powered by coal burning steam ENGINES plus coal in houses
    2. rubish
      1. in many towns there were no rubish sistem so all teh rubish was in the streets!
      2. sewers
        1. there was no place for do this so they just put it anywhere in side the water so many diseases were spread
        2. damp
          1. houses fpr the poor were always really badly built
          2. poor ventilation
            1. houses really close toguether so really bad ventilation


              • also bacteria was spread really easily
            2. drinking water
              1. most people did not have a cistern so drank water from rivers they usually get cholera
              2. hygine
                1. thought it was good not to wash
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