Elements of Computers


Mindmap of elements of computers
Alice Sawyer
Mind Map by Alice Sawyer, updated more than 1 year ago
Alice Sawyer
Created by Alice Sawyer over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Elements of Computers
  1. Hardware
    1. Keyboard
      1. Printer
        1. Disks
        2. Software
          1. Windows
            1. Microsoft Word
              1. Microsoft Exel
              2. Inputs
                1. Webcam
                  1. Keyboard
                    1. Keyboard
                    2. Microphone
                    3. Output
                      1. Monitor
                        1. Printer
                          1. Printer
                          2. Speaker
                          3. Examples of Inputs:
                            1. Examples of Hardware:
                              1. Examples of Software:
                                1. Examples of Outputs:
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