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Grammar-Translation Method
Methods for TEaching English as a Foreign Language
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methods of teaghing english
translation techniques
Mind Map by
María Rodríguez Baquero
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
María Rodríguez Baquero
over 7 years ago
Resource summary
Grammar-Translation Method
Johann Seidenstüker
Karl Plötz
H.S. Ollendorf
Johann Meidinger
First known in the United states as the Prussian Method
The student's native language is the medium of instruction
It dominated european and foreign language teaching from the 1840s to the 1940s
Also known as the "Classical Method", is one of the oldest and traditional English teaching methods
In Europe, it was used in the teaching of Latin and Greek for several centuries
Accuracy is emphasized
The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice
It approaches the language firts through detiled analysis of its grammar rules
Reading and writing are the mayor focus
Little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening
Grammar rules are practiced through translation exercises
Vocabulary selection is only based on the reading texts used
Words are taught through bilingual word lists, dictionary study and memorization
Classes are taught in the student's mother tongue
There is a little active use of the target language
Instruction often focuses on the form and inflection of words
Texts are treated as exercises in grammatical analysis
Reading of difficult classical texts begins early
Little or no attention is given to pronunciation
It's a method for which is there no theory
This method makes no provision for training in speech but lays stress on reading
It's based in two suppositions: grammar is the heart of language and language can be easy learnt by translation
It hasn't psychological bases
It can prevent the student from developing the confidence to communicate in English
It ignores aspects as: acoustic image, phonetics and pronunciation
It considers that tranlation is the only procedure for the learning of vocabulary
It considers that the structure of words and sentences depend only grammatical rules
It could be tedious for students, for its requirement to memorize grammar rules and vocabulary, and its mandatory accuracy
Students could find it frustrating as they have to memorize words and rules
It gives the impression of seeing language as a dead language, whose texts must be analyzed and deciphered
This method is useful in the class in which there are a large number of students
It's benefitial to use in a class where students have different English levels
Foreingn phraseology is best interpreted and assimilated through translation and the process of interpretation
Allows to compare and contrast the foreign language with the mother tongue, facilitating its teaching
It requires few specialized skills on the part of techers
It helps teacher to clear the meaning of a word or a sentence in an easy way, translating them into the mother tongue
It can provides students a basic vocabulary in which to build skills for the new language
It gives an important support of the development of fluency in writtien skill
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