Tertiary Activities in the GDA


Mind Map on Tertiary Activities in the GDA, created by swallace1 on 24/05/2013.
Mind Map by swallace1, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by swallace1 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Tertiary Activities in the GDA
  1. Transport
    1. Transport 21
      1. 7 new Luas lines
        1. Upgrade M50
          1. Dublin Port Tunnel
            1. DART lines have been extended
              1. QBC's
              2. 90%of all commerial transport is by road
                1. High levels of traffic congestion
                  1. Rapid growth and urban sprawl - large level of commuting to and from work
                  2. Tourism
                    1. All year round
                      1. Promotes as a city break
                        1. National Convention Centre - major source of tourism income
                          1. Surrounding counties very scenic - Glendalough
                            1. Earns €1 billion every year
                              1. 5 million tourists a year
                                1. Well developed tourist services e.g. hotels
                                  1. Main point of entry into Ireland - tourist numbers have risen
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