The situation on Elizabeth's accession


Mind Map on The situation on Elizabeth's accession, created by Madison Coles on 02/10/2017.
Madison Coles
Mind Map by Madison Coles, updated more than 1 year ago
Madison Coles
Created by Madison Coles about 7 years ago

Resource summary

The situation on Elizabeth's accession
  1. Elizabeth's Strengths as a monarch
    1. She had experienced councillors
      1. Sir Francis Walsingham
        1. Robert cecil
          1. William Cecil
          2. She had became Queen at 23
          3. Elizabeth's weaknesses as a Monarch
            1. She was unmarried
              1. She was a female and England think that men are better at being in Charge.
                1. She wasn't very experienced
                  1. She needed a Privy Council
                  2. What were the key roles in the Government?
                    1. Monarch
                      1. Privy Council
                        1. Parliament
                          1. Local Governments
                            1. Courts
                            2. Problems she faced in 1558
                              1. Doubts over a female ruler
                                1. Prove herself to England and make them think she is worthy of being a leader
                                2. Elizabeth's legitimacy
                                  1. Religious divisions
                                    1. Make the church feel homely to all religions
                                    2. Choosing her council
                                      1. challenges from abroad
                                        1. Marriage and succession
                                          1. Financial weaknesses
                                          2. Why was religion so important?
                                            1. They were Protestant and Catholic
                                              1. The different religions believe that the bible should be in different languages
                                                1. The churches for the different religions are decorated differently
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