the situation of Elizabeth's accesion


Year 9 History Mind Map on the situation of Elizabeth's accesion, created by cameron williams on 02/10/2017.
cameron williams
Mind Map by cameron williams, updated more than 1 year ago
cameron williams
Created by cameron williams about 7 years ago

Resource summary

the situation of Elizabeth's accesion
  1. Elizabeth's strengths as a monarch
    1. got to make descions
      1. on war
        1. taxes
          1. choosing advisors
            1. get the church
          2. Elizabeth's weaknesses as a monarch
            1. financial problems
              1. couldn't afford to keep land to rule
              2. £300,000 in debt
                1. lose loads of money
                2. had poverty
                  1. riots from hungry citenzens
                  2. rises on prices on land to rule
                    1. lose land
                  3. key roles in goverment
                    1. picking advisors
                      1. help her make good decisions
                      2. decisions on war
                        1. how to win
                        2. keeping peace
                        3. problems Elizabeth faced in 1558
                          1. war against France and Scotland
                            1. French soldiers stationed in Scotland ready for joint attack
                            2. marriage and succesion
                              1. no heir to the throne
                                1. England will go to Scotland and France
                                2. Mary Queen of Scots married the French king
                                3. riots
                                  1. from different religions
                                    1. about the act of supremecy
                                4. why religion was important
                                  1. there were Cathlics,Protestants and puritans
                                    1. act of supremecy
                                      1. caused riots from different religions
                                        1. arguments of if the act of supremecy
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