a system of representation cannot make anything new*
nontraditional means of articulation
everything is equal
What is real? NOTHING! It's always changing!
BIG on difference
ontology: things come into being via differences- frictions- power relations?
thinking the impossible (or not
thought of yet) because the world
needs new ways to live so we don't kill
humans are not the center of the universe
Is criticized for non-politic moves
freedom does not consist of the
implementation of new relations of
power, but in the moment of
possibility which precedes such
ontology of present
tensions make impossible possible (?)
how do we think differently?
Engaging critically with the present in
turn facilitates identification and
countering of norms, institutions, and
practices that generate normalizing
critic creates resistance/freedom
Obviously, fear of
uncertainty and
attachment to what
believe we already know
greatly hinders persons’
ability to critically analyze
existing meaning‐making
systems and, therefore, to
identify, analyze, and
counter harmful practice
power relations: that's where we find new ways to live
both see conformity as 'bad'
limits creativity- they are not wrong
nothing is unmoveable
thought is freedom
point between present and possible
The capacity for thought hinges on experiencing points of uncertainty
Spaces of invention Dissension, Freedom, and Thought in Foucault
our utterances are governed by underlying rules of discourse formations
our very conception of self is circumscribed by technologies of subjectivity
our actions are proscribed and authorized by relations of power
Where in Foucault is space for invention?
Within Foucault's studies of knowledge, power, and subjectivity and
that this space can be demonstrated by considering the
counterpoints to his tripartite understanding of the human
The limiting/enabling relations of knowledge/ power/subjectivity are counterpointed by three terms
that describe the conditions for invention: dissension, freedom, and thought
normalized societies just produce more of the same
social herd
Nietzsche’s work reveals that what persons in fact
know and engage is not the world in which we live,
but rather the meaningmaking systems that we
have imposed upon the world.
Through committed engagement,
the critic is involved in both
resisting existing relations of
power and creating new sets of
social relations and
discourse formations: evolution of or emergence of statements contingent on context
used to solidify image of stability
gaps = resistance actions
inventional places
space of freedom!
knowledge power subjectivity
POWER: fine web of relations interwoven with
the conditions of social action and, in part,
from his suggestion that even overtly resistant
acts are ultimately reabsorbed into these
relations of power
resistance comes in the gaps of intelligibility in the power relationship
Where rules are vague- there will be
push and pull(?)
the pointing out of the gaps obscures
the gaps (the article is not hypocritical -
see the consession at the end)
spaces of freedom
spaces in power relations
spaces in thought
spaces of dissension
emergent contradictions
points of productivity
new discourses
creation of NEW
limiting and enabling
resistance: friction against which the relationships
of power operate to achieve governance
freedom and domination: flux
between freedom and
WAIT: Foucaults notion of freedom, on the other hand, cannot be the
reversal of power relations, for such a reversal entails replacing
existing power relations with new power relations. Indeed, if Foucault
conceives of freedom as the reversal of power relations, then his
condemnation of the prophets and legislators (1991, 159) who offer
reforms and new directions would equal a condemnation of freedom
as such reversals would be the very stuff of freedom.: