assessment 4


5 year old seeks out active and rough play but often hurts others. Their sensory processing is disordered and they are highly distracted, staying focused is proving difficult.
Dianne Childs
Mind Map by Dianne Childs, updated more than 1 year ago
Dianne Childs
Created by Dianne Childs about 7 years ago

Resource summary

assessment 4


  • active rough play hurts others sensory processing disordered distracted staying focused difficult
  1. active play
    1. hurts others
      1. easily distracted
        1. sensory processing disordered
          1. work on appropriate games
          2. hurts others
            1. educate other children
              1. teach social cues
              2. sensory processing disordered
                1. provide appropriate sensory stimulus
                  1. easily distracted
                    1. easily distracted
                      1. work on focus
                      2. child strengths
                          1. child challenges
                              1. SMART Goal
                                1. Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic Timeous
                                  1. Objective 1
                                    1. Objective 2
                                      1. Objective 3
                                      2. alerting
                                        1. calming
                                          1. organising
                                          2. child background
                                            1. other professional staff involved
                                            2. activities
                                              1. group
                                                1. routine
                                                  1. cosmic kids yoga
                                                    1. benefits - all kids
                                                      1. proprioceptive and vestibular activity
                                                        1. group benefits?
                                                          1. various themes to suit interest
                                                        2. small group / individual
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