The League of Nations


GCSE History (International relations- League of Nations) Mind Map on The League of Nations, created by otloveschocolate on 26/05/2013.
Mind Map by otloveschocolate, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by otloveschocolate over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The League of Nations
  1. problems
    1. USA did not join (though a major power) as Congress voted against joining.
      1. Italy, permanent member, broke covenant 1923- occupied Corfu
        1. came to be seen as a club for the victors of WW1
          1. seen as pro- European as Sir Eric Drummond 1st secretary general
            1. had no army, makde it weak
              1. Great powers (GB, F, I ect) acted without League's consent
              2. membership & basics
                1. the 14th point of Wilson's fourteen points
                  1. made to prevent future wars
                    1. principle of 'collective security'
                      1. attempt to unite nations of the world in a 'joint guarantee of peace'
                        1. open to all countries
                          1. Germany and Russia not allowed to join
                            1. Germany: because of Versailles/ War
                              1. joined 1926
                              2. Russia: because of 1917 communist revolution
                                1. joined 1934
                              3. used sanctions to punish countries
                                1. economic
                                  1. military
                                2. Structure & Organisation
                                  1. Council met 3 times a year
                                    1. 4 permanent members
                                      1. Britain
                                        1. France
                                          1. Italy
                                            1. Japan
                                            2. decisions in council & assembly had to be unanimous
                                              1. permanent court of justice set up in The Hague
                                                1. to setlle disputes between countries
                                                2. Secretary General in charge of administration
                                                  1. First secratary general -> Sir Eric Drummond
                                                3. Successes
                                                  1. 1921
                                                    1. Aaland Island Dispute (Sweden and Finland)
                                                    2. Border dispute between reece & Bulgaria
                                                      1. Lithuania & Poland dispute over Vilna
                                                        1. 1922-23
                                                          1. helped solve Austria- Hungary economic crisis
                                                            1. helped by organising international loans
                                                            2. stamped out slave trade
                                                              1. 1920s had support of most major countries
                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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