Goal: Intermediate in Korean by January


Korean Mind Map on Goal: Intermediate in Korean by January, created by ashanti on 25/07/2014.
Mind Map by ashanti, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ashanti over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Goal: Intermediate in Korean by January
  1. Reading
    1. direct translation
      1. vocabulary
      2. news
        1. books, novel
          1. bilingual books (Bible)
          2. Speaking
            1. mimicry
              1. songs
                1. drama
                2. Korean shops/restaurants
                  1. Partners
                    1. Bola, Douglas, Hannah
                    2. Meetup Group
                    3. Listening
                      1. Korean music
                        1. Korean TV
                          1. Kdrama
                            1. news
                            2. Korean church
                              1. audio recordings
                                1. Pimsleur, textbook audio
                              2. Writing
                                1. penpal
                                  1. grammar
                                    1. textbooks
                                      1. review all texts&notes
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                                      Basic Korean Verbs
                                      ASHISH AWALGAONKAR
                                      A Level: English language and literature techniques = Structure
                                      Jessica 'JessieB
                                      A Level: English language and literature technique = Dramatic terms
                                      Jessica 'JessieB
                                      English Literary Terminology
                                      Fionnghuala Malone
                                      English Grammatical Terminology
                                      Fionnghuala Malone
                                      A Level: English language and literature techniques = Form
                                      Jessica 'JessieB
                                      Months of the Year in Korean
                                      Sabine Callebaut
                                      English Rhetorical Device Terminology
                                      Fionnghuala Malone
                                      A2 English Language and Literature: Unseen
                                      Jessica 'JessieB
                                      Linguistic Methods
                                      Theories, Theorists and Tests