The five pillars of Islam


RS Mind Map on The five pillars of Islam, created by henrieallen on 26/05/2013.
Mind Map by henrieallen, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by henrieallen over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The five pillars of Islam
  1. Shahadah
    1. The Shahadah is a prayer which is recited at least once in a Muslim's life and in the final hours of a Muslim's life
      1. It is the first of the five pillars
        1. The prayer is 'I believe there is no God but Allah , and Muhammad is the messenger of God'
        2. Salah
          1. The second pillar of Islam
            1. Salah is prayers, that are done five times a day
              1. The steps in the prayers are Rakaahs
                1. Prayers are said at dawn, mid-day, late afternoon, sunset and nightfall
                  1. Salah is compulsory for all Muslims
                    1. Children should start praying 5 times a day at the ages 10 or 12
                      1. Prayers are said in Arabic and Wudhu is performed before prayers
                      2. Zakah
                        1. The third pillar of Islam
                          1. It means that you donate 2.5% of ones savings to charity
                            1. It teaches Muslims to share and avoid selfishness
                              1. It is to save money from those who are wasting it
                              2. Sawm
                                1. The fourth pillar of Islam
                                  1. It is a period of fasting called Ramadan
                                    1. Halal- food that is allowed and been killed the correct way e.g. nuts, honey, fish
                                      1. Haram-forbidden food that has been killed the wrong way e.g. pork, alcohol, blood by-products
                                      2. They must give up food, drink and sensuous activities
                                        1. Compulsory-brings them closer to Allah
                                        2. Hajj
                                          1. Is the fifth pillar of Islam
                                            1. Is a pilgrimage to Mecca
                                              1. Muslims have to do this at least once in their lifetime
                                                1. They must walk around the Kaaba 7 times
                                                  1. This is during the week of Hajj and the month of Dhul Hijjah
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