Cognitive (realist)
language which deals with
factual statements which can
be proved to be be true or
false empirically or are
believed to have factual
content. truth is independent
of humans we find it
Non Cognitive
(anti realist) not
to be understood
factually but
understood in a
different ways
(symbolically or
meta physically)
we create truth
The Vienna Circle 1920-30 part of a wider
movement logical positivism. Switched the
debate from an issue of truth and talking
about God to that of meaning
highly influenced by David Hume 1711-1776
divided all statements into two types.
ANALYTIC: true by definition but tells nothing
about the real world meaningful and true.
SYNTHETIC: needs to be verified by sense
a statement
can be
but false if
it is open to
(all dogs are
verificationist principle 'statements are meaningful if and
only if verifiable by sense experience'
A J Ayer is a logical positivist and adapted the
verification principle to get rid of problems in
verifying historic events. distinguishes between 1)
verifiability in principle and practice 2) strong and
weak verification historical events have strong
verification such as findings and accounts can be
the principle itself is
meaningless as it cannot be
verified by sense experience
is a circular argument does
not meet its own criteria
God does existence and God does not
exist are both meaningless so where does
this leave us
does not fit with
modern science atoms
cannot be verified
keith ward argued that
God s existence can be
verified as God himself
can verify his own
RM HARE did not think religious
language was factual but did not
think they were meaningless. they
are meaningful because they are like
'bliks' a way of looking at the world
which has significance for the
B MITCHELL contemporary
disagreed with FLEW as he
believed they can be falsified
with problems such as evil.
supports the claims
of life and death
and religious
experience and the
design argument
wasted time
John Hick Eschatological
branch of christianity that
focuses on the end.
death heaven and hell
if someone believed there was a purpose
to life the verification principle would say
this is meaningless. Hick suggests this
can be verified eschatologically (after
death) believer will be shown right or wrong
LUDWIG WITTGEINSTEIN 1889-1951 early view was that of
verificationists the limits of language are the limits of the world.
religious language is meaningless as it cannto refer to anything.
Later Wittgenstein LANGUAGE GAMES statements about God are not
statements about a being that exists they are part of a language game
meaning does not come from the
fact it refers to but from the
context. (the blood of christ would
have a different meaning in a lab
and in church )
meaning cannot be secured by
setting uo a relationship between
words and things (we have words
with a number of different
meanings) when we use words to
refer to different applications
the criteria for knowing the
meaning of a word is whether
others understand you or not.
meaningfulness is determined
by language users and not
we get meaning wrong when we do not apply
them in the right way. not wrong because of
reality or meaningless
God is love we are not describing a
reality but learning the way in which
we can talk about God. what is true
for ourselves
DZ PHILLIPS neo-wittgensteinians
offer an account of religious
language that denies the distinction
between meaning and truth. claims
that language is grammar- the rules
of the religious game that determine
what can and what cannot be
meaningfully said.
ANTHONY FLEW FALSIFICATION for something to be meaningful it must be falsifiable
influence by KARL POPPER philosopher of science. argued that science moves from theory to
observation. theories are true until some evidence counts against them. they are falsified
applied to religious language he concluded that
religious language is meaningless. this is because
there is nothing that can count against religious
statements they cannot be proved true (verified) or
false (falsified)
a statement is only meaningful if we know what counts against it
REALISTS a statement is true if it corresponds tot he state of
affairs it tries to describe a theist about god says we cannot know
whether a statement is true or false but the truth is to be know
BASIL MITCHELL wanted to show that statements are
meaningful even if they are not verifiable or falsifiable. Flew
was wrong in his supposition that believers never allow
anything to count against their beliefs. used parable of the
partisan to explain that religious language cannot be
verified or falsified
ANTI REALIST would argue that God has no existence beyond
the human mind and language but talk about God is meaningful
because it is coherent with certain religious groups
THE VIA NEGATIVA negative way says it is not posisble to talk about
God all that can be said is what God is not God is mystery
ST THOMAS AQUINAS 1225-1274 rejects negative way and univocsl
and equivocal language
univocal having one meaning (if
language about God has the same
meaning as it has when applied to
things in spatio-temporal world then
this would mean that God is part of
the universe aquinas rejects this
equivocal is language
capable of being understood
in different senses (if this is
the case we would never
fully knwo what language
abot God meant)
ANALOGY distinguishes between two types: analogy of attribution and analogy of proportion
ATTRIBUTION: we share in gods
attributes god is the cause of everything
we derived from god. love, faith
Does not apply to evil.God is in evil but not the cause. something is evil because it falls short of
what it should be. it is logically impossible for God to fall short of whatever it is to be God
PROPORTION: good qualities belong proportionately
not evil qualities Gods attributes are proportional to
Gods nature in the same way as humans attributes are
proportional to human nature
Avoids anthropomorphising God as language about god is not taken literally
METAPHORS can be used to enable us to see
what we previously couldnt (poems, books) is
a irreducible and irreplaceable form of
language that can give a real truthful insight
into reality
MODELS 'three persons of the trinity' language that
is hard to put into conceptual language. they are
needed in science and religion desciribes something
real that is beyond description. we grasp things
metaphorically and then crate models
REALIST VIEW: models directly picture reality
CRITICAL REALIST VIEW: models try to picture
something that is true but cannot be done adequately
IDAELIST ANTIREALIST: models are human
inventions we impose on reality no connection with
communication power and can evoke participation
in the reality to which they point uses the example
of a national flag and a christian cross they grow
out of the individual or collective unconscious they
open up levels of reality which would otherwise
remain hidden
in his book he talks about symbols being
able to express the ultimate because it
transcends the capacity of any finite
reality to express it directly believes
symbolic language can be true although
it cannot be falsified
The virgin birth can be seen as a
symbolic story and not historical.
does not mean it is not true it is true
in the sense that it conveys
symbolically the truth that jesus was
the son of God
CARL JUNG 1875-1961 analyses
the human psyche in terms of the
unconscious and the collective
unconscious. collective unconscious
does not depend upon a persons
history it is an inherited disposition.
archeotypes arise from the a priori
structure of the psyche.
God is an archetype of a
manifestation of the deepest level
of the unconscious mind and
collective unconscious and for
this reason is often experienced
MYTH RUDOLPH BULTMAN 1884-1976 contemporary thought demands a
modern scientific view of the universe which interprets reality in terms of
cause and effect. this excludes the possibility of miracles defined as a
supernatural event. accepts myths as a true statement of the way man
may understand what it means to experience life
myth is important but in order for modern man to grasp its truth
such ancient thought forms must be dymythologized or
reinterpreted. it expresses truth clothed in the symbolic language.
meaning of myths do not lie in its description about another world
but what it is expressing about human existence in this world
EG the resurrection it not
physical but jesus opened
peoples minds to God
although not with empirical
evidence it is still true
Demythologizing removes the
clothing (rituals and stories~)
and leave the inner truth but
does this work and are details
lost. people today find the
statements of the bible
incomprehensible and therefore
reject them just because they
are clothed in forms of
mythological thinking . we need
myth to be able to speak about