Performance Theories


Chapter 6 COMS 203 communications Mind Map on Performance Theories, created by Shae Bolding on 05/11/2017.
Shae Bolding
Mind Map by Shae Bolding, updated more than 1 year ago
Shae Bolding
Created by Shae Bolding almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Performance Theories
  1. Dramaturgy
    1. The Study of Social Interaction in terms of theatrical performance
      1. Based on Symbolic Interactionism
        1. George Herbert Mead
        2. Key Concepts
          1. Presentation of self
            1. Front stage/ Back stage
              1. Impression Management
                1. potraying yourself to others / create desired impression/ manage
                  1. Allows people to behave in socially acceptable ways
                    1. AVOID EMBARASSEMENT
                2. Frames
                  1. Appropriate behaviour, roles to perform ie: funeral
                3. ERVING GOFFMAN
                  1. Observed everyday interactions to learn behaviours in given situations
                    1. People=performers: portraying an image to society
                    2. CRITIQUE
                      1. Lack of clarity: life as a theatrical performance-- metaphor or reality?
                        1. Our spontaneous actions-- not impression management
                        2. Not supported by empirical reasearch: he observed (not interviews)
                          1. How do we know they were acting instead of being authentic
                          2. Not coherent: lack of shared theoretical terms.
                        3. Performance Ethnography
                          1. Role of performance (rituals, ceremonies) to sustain social comunities, to express their values
                            1. Studying symbolic behaviours that create/ sustain social groups
                              1. How do these activities express cultural values? Identity?
                              2. Ethnographic researchers may use performance to communicate findings to audiences
                                1. Main Ideas
                                  1. Researcher conducts field work around a particular site of performance
                                    1. Views cultural behaviours as "performance"
                                      1. Researcher uses ethnographic methods to collect data
                                        1. "translate" subjetcs personal narratives to outsiders through performance
                                          1. ie: theatrical performance of oral history
                                        2. Ethnography : A research method
                                          1. Systematic, long term study of people and cultures to generate a full "portrait" of the group under study
                                            1. researchers observes society from the point of view of the subject
                                              1. Field-based: Conducted where the subjects live
                                                1. Personalized: researchers are in face-to-face contact with subjects on a failt basis
                                                  1. Participant Observer
                                                  2. Inductive
                                                    1. Gather a lot of detail in order to indentify a pattern of behaviour
                                                    2. Dialogic
                                                      1. Study Subjetcs can expand on researcher's findings
                                                    3. Hermeneutic Circle
                                                      1. Distance-experience meaning: translates
                                                        1. Translation
                                                          1. Behaviour observed
                                                            1. Near - Experience Meaning
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