Plant Tissue


Mind Map on Plant Tissue, created by Britz Garcia on 07/11/2017.
Britz Garcia
Mind Map by Britz Garcia, updated more than 1 year ago
Britz Garcia
Created by Britz Garcia about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Plant Tissue
  1. Meristematic Tissue
    1. Apical Meristem (Growing Tip)
      1. - Tissue is present on the tips of stems and roots. - Function is to trigger the growth of new cells in young seedling at the tips of roots and shoots and forming buds. - Allows the plant to develop special structures as flowers and leaves. - Responsible for the Increase of length of the plant at the apex of stem and roots referred to as primary growth. - Occurs in the phyla of plants
      2. Lateral Meristem
        1. -Produces bark on trees inner and outer layer. - Found on the side of the plant beneath the bark as cork cambium. - Makes thes plant grow tall making it strong. - Responsible for the increase of the thickening or growth in plants which is the secondary growth.
        2. Intercalary Meristem
          1. - Classified by their location in the plant as apical, lateral and intercalary or stems region between where leaves attach and leaf bases especially of monocityledons. eg. Grasses - Tissue is present at the base of young leaves and internodes - Responsible for further lengthening of stems and and leaves. - Located between the permanent tissue.
          2. - Coposed of cells that divide continuously. - Function is to continuously form a number of new cells. - Cells are small, thin-walled with no cenral vacuole and is made up of cellulose. - Cells are round, oval , polygonal or rectangular in shape. - Cells are closely arranged without intercellular spaces. - Located in the apical merstems.
          3. Permanent Tissue
            1. Simple (Ground)
              1. - A group of cells which are similar in structure and in functions.
                1. Parenchyma
                  1. - A simple tissue composed of spherical-shaped cells. -They are living cells -Thin primary wall -May be conpact or have extensive spaces between the cells. Functions: a. Photosynthesis & Respiration b. Storage (Starch, oil droplets, air water and salts) c. Wound healing & regeneration
                  2. Collenchyma
                    1. - Composed of elongated cells with irregular tick and walls - They are living cells -Provide structural support found beneath the epidermis of stem and near the vascular tissue. eg. Midrib of leaves - If they contain chlorophyll they are known as chlorenchyma.
                    2. Sclerenchyma
                      1. - Have optic lignified secondary walls and often die when mature - Cells wall consists of cellulose -They are dead cells -Provides main structural support to a plant. -Usually in xylem tissue.
                    3. Complex (Vascular)
                      1. Xylem
                        1. -Transports H20 dissolved nutrients -Made up of long hollow tubes -Formed by none living cell walls call tracheids or vessel elements. -upward movement -Alive at maturity
                        2. Phloem
                          1. -Transports product of photosynthesis. - Upward movement -Dead at maturity -Consists of conducting cells called sleve.
                          2. -Tissue composed of more than one type of cell. -Helps in the transportation of organic minerals.
                          3. - Is composed of cells that have lost the power of dividing and had obtained a definite form and shape.
                          4. *Tissue is a group of closely associated cells that perform related functions and are similar in structure. * Plant Tissue can be classified as: 1. Meristematic Tissue 2. Permanent Tissue
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