Chemistry Revision


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Madoc Black
Created by Madoc Black almost 7 years ago
Madoc Black
Copied by Madoc Black almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Chemistry Revision
  1. 5.1
    1. Matter has 3 states Solids, liquids and gases
      1. All matter is made from particles.
        1. Intermolecular forces hold the particles together , the intermolecular forces can be strong , not as strong and weak.
          1. temperature, the temperature can change the solids liquids and gases to another one of those three,like an ice cube can become water by heating it.
            1. matter
            2. 5.2
              1. Some solids look like they can flow like sand but under a microscope they are tiny Solids.
                1. Some solids are Malleable this means they can go back to there original shape even if hit with a hammer like a sponge.
                  1. Other Solids can be Brittle which means they are easily snapped like plastic.
                    1. Metals are something called ductile which means the layers of particle made up are able to slide past each other.
                      1. Some Solids are Soluble so they can dissolve in water.
                      2. 5.3
                        1. Viscosity is when liquids resist the flow of itself so it moves slower like honey and water honey is more Viscous because the water moves smoothly.
                          1. flow is when liquids and gases go around you like all gases and most liquids. Because they can flow they slip and roll around each other this is all because of the intermolecular forces are not that strong.
                            1. Gas in an inclosed space can become a liquid because of the intermolecular forces become so strong that it can become a liquid or a solid.
                              1. Gas pressure is measured in Kilopascals (KPa) and the pressure can be increased by having more particles this increases the amounts of collisions creating higher pressure.
                              2. 5.4
                                1. diffusion is the mixing of particles. If you have two jars one has just air in it the other smells of flowers, unscrew the lids and put them together and they both smell of flowers but the one with the original flowers smell, smells less of flowers because they fully mixed.
                                2. 5.5
                                  1. A Liquid frozen would become a Solid.
                                    1. A Liquid boiled up is a Gas.
                                      1. A Ice block sublimated is a gas.
                                        1. If something melts at the same temperature from when it started it is a boiling point but if the temperature changes through the process it is called a melting point.
                                          1. The difference between Boiling and Evaporation is that if only some of the water turns into gas it is evaporation but if all of it changes into gas that is boiling.
                                          2. 5.6
                                            1. Filters are usually are made from paper/cloth that have very very small holes with a glass tube at the bottom to hold the liquid to separate stuff.
                                              1. To separate iron fillings from sand you need a magnet.
                                                1. oil and water don't mix this means they are immiscible if you shack it they won't mix.
                                                  1. A pure substance is when something is made up of only one type of particle and a mixture is two of those together.
                                                  2. 5.7
                                                    1. One way to decrease the time for something to dissolve is to increase the temperature.
                                                      1. If the temperature is turned up solvent particles move faster with more energy
                                                      2. 5.8
                                                        1. In distillation you need to put a thermometer throgh the top hole the next hole you put cold water in and the hole on the bottom of the tube the un needed cold water comes out.
                                                          1. on the bottom of the tube comes out the un mixed water but to do all of this you need a beaker with a bunsun burner under neath.
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