Life in Celtic Ireland


Life In Celtic Ireland
Erin Cuddy
Mind Map by Erin Cuddy, updated more than 1 year ago
Erin Cuddy
Created by Erin Cuddy almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Life in Celtic Ireland
  1. Farming
    1. They Farmed Animal for clothes and crops for eating
      1. they farmed animals for clothes and crops for food
      2. Cattle
        1. The amount of Cattle you had it meant how rich you were
        2. Art
          1. There art took a long time period as there was lot of detail.
            1. Art in Celtic ireland was mostly associated with clets.
            2. Celts
              1. Celts arrived in Ireland during the iron age.
                1. Celts called Ireland and Britain 'The Pretanic islands'
                2. Brehon laws
                  1. The brehon laws were created for reading and writing .
                  2. Houses
                    1. There houses were round and there well were made up from wooden posts and dirt.
                      1. There roofs were shaped as a cone and it was straw thatched .
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