Life in Celtic Ireland


Life in Celtic Ireland
Billy O Reilly
Mind Map by Billy O Reilly, updated more than 1 year ago
Billy O Reilly
Created by Billy O Reilly almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Life in Celtic Ireland
  1. food they ate bread
    1. farming The way to show how rich you are is the amount of cattle you own
      1. the crops they grown were wheat for bread
        1. duns are houses/forts built on hills
          1. promontory is on headland or on clifs
            1. standing stones bronze age people left behind mysterious tall stones some stones are by their own or in rows
              1. hunting:people hunted for extra food
                1. there crops were oats and barley
                  1. men wore Leona (tunic)and a crais
                    1. women:tunic and cloak (brat)in winter for bath
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