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Merchant of Venice themes
GCSE English Literature Mind Map on Merchant of Venice themes, created by Lois Kennerley on 23/11/2017.
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merchant of venice
english literature
english lit
english literature
Mind Map by
Lois Kennerley
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Lois Kennerley
about 7 years ago
Resource summary
Merchant of Venice themes
Men and women
women - helpless, vulnerable, pretty and treated as an object
Lorenzo refers to Jessica as a "shrew"
speak in prose - lower status
men - high status, dominant, wealthy, powerful
women not allowed in court
stereotype challenged when Portia goes to court
had power
Portia and caskets - like a prize to be won
when disaster averted - done by a woman
challenges stereotype
Appearance and reality
Gold- pretty but if chooses, led by beauty
silver - second best but if chooses has a big ego
lead - less pretty but if chooses will gain Portia
Portia and Nerissa - 'can't do things' to start with but actually can
court case
Shylock - seen as horribly really victim
Jessica - supposed to be a Jew, denies religion + runs of with a christian
Venice and Belmont
pastoral setting, typical comedy setting
Made up place
upper class/wealthy
Racist talk about Morocco's complexion
female dominated
Male dominated
women have no power on paper
but Portia and Nerissa have power in court
strict law
Venice = urban setting - typical tragedy setting
different stories in each place
Justice and mercy
Shylock wanted justice in court
got legal justice not moral justice
Mercy - forgiveness someone who could be punished
Jessica - no mercy
Shylock force to become christian
believe mercy but not - only thing he had left
Justice - fair behaviour/treatment
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