1913 Strike & Lockout


Junior Certificate Modern Ireland Mind Map on 1913 Strike & Lockout, created by D MC on 26/11/2017.
Mind Map by D MC, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by D MC about 7 years ago

Resource summary

1913 Strike & Lockout
  1. Causes
    1. Irish Transport and General Workers Union established to improve workers' pay & conditions
      1. ITGWU tram drivers went on strike for better pay during Horse Show Week
        1. William Martin Murphy of the Employers' Federation wanted to destroy the power of the ITGWU
        2. Events
          1. After strike starts union members locked out of work- leave ITGWU
            1. Employers use scabs
              1. Police attack strikers- Sackville St
                1. Irish Citizen Army set up to protect workers- James Connolly
                2. Workers depend on soup kitchens
                  1. Kiddies Scheme- attempt to send strikers’ children to homes in England
                    1. Ship stopped by priests/mob
                  2. Workers forced to go back to work or join British army, union membership declines
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