Estudar ingles


Ingles Mind Map on Estudar ingles, created by Orlean Santana on 30/05/2013.
Orlean Santana
Mind Map by Orlean Santana, updated more than 1 year ago
Orlean Santana
Created by Orlean Santana over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Estudar ingles


  • i'am
  • you ara
  1. Verb To Be
    1. I'am
      1. I'm
        1. You are
          1. They are
            1. we are
              1. He is
                1. She is
                  1. It is
                    1. It's
                    2. She's
                    3. He's
                    4. We're
                    5. They're
                    6. You're
                  2. Are not
                    1. aren't
                    2. My
                      1. Your
                        1. Their
                          1. Our
                            1. hes
                              1. her
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