Factors Of Production


The 4 Factors of Production according to Business terms.
Anna Summers
Mind Map by Anna Summers, updated more than 1 year ago
Anna Summers
Created by Anna Summers almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Factors Of Production
  1. Land
    1. Natural Resources
      1. Forests
        1. Oil
          1. Gas
            1. Fields
              1. Metals
                1. Other Mineral Resources
              2. Labour
                1. Number of people available
                  1. For making products
                2. Capital
                  1. Needs for the manufacture of Goods
                    1. Machinery
                      1. Finance
                        1. Equipment
                      2. Enterprise
                        1. Skill and risk taking ability of a person that
                          1. brings the factors of production together
                            1. to produce goods
                              1. to produce Services
                                1. E.g. Owner Of a Business
                                  1. 'Entrepreneur'
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