Computational Thinking


Cambridge Computer Studies Mind Map on Computational Thinking, created by Lucas Axnix on 04/12/2017.
Lucas Axnix
Mind Map by Lucas Axnix, updated more than 1 year ago
Lucas Axnix
Created by Lucas Axnix about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Computational Thinking
  1. Abstract thinking
    1. Remove all unnecessary details
      1. Keeps things simple
        1. Can miss key details
      2. Procedural thinking
        1. Break down tasks into smaller areas
          1. Can be worked on at the same time
            1. One person can hold back the whole team
          2. Logical thinking
            1. Checking trends and success
              1. Usually correct information (at one point)
                1. Assuming that the data is all still valid
              2. Thinking ahead
                1. Planning out the task
                  1. Quicker to develop the program after planning
                    1. Program might be too simple for the need to plan it out
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