Renaissance music


Religious and civil music
Rachel Smith
Mind Map by Rachel Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel Smith
Created by Rachel Smith about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Renaissance music
  1. Renaissance→rebirth of the classical period born in Italy
    1. Polyphony→counterpoint E.g.: canon, fugue
      1. Religious music
        1. VOCAL: a capella + contrapuntal
          1. Mass
            1. Catholic music /celebration divided in parts
            2. Motet
              1. Psalms
                1. The use of instruments
                  1. ▶Italy, Venice There's a Cathedral where music can be performed for more than one choir.
                    1. ✔Organ or wind instruments ✔For reinforcing or replacing voices
              2. Civil music
                1. VOCAL: a capella + accompanied melody
                  1. Madrigal/Chanson (in French)
                    1. ★For poetry ★4-5 voices ★Love, war, nature or beauty
                      1. Chanson: more repetitions and faster rhythm
                      2. Villanesca
                        1. ▶Spanish origin ▶Homophonic ▶4 voices ▶Reinforcement is not common
                      3. INSTRUMENTAL
                        1. Dances
                          1. ▶They had different forms ▶They were not written
                          2. Contrapuntal pieces
                            1. ▶For the organ, keyboard and plucked instruments
                        2. Instruments
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