GIST Final Exam


International Studies Mind Map on GIST Final Exam, created by Taylor Thomas on 11/12/2017.
Taylor Thomas
Mind Map by Taylor Thomas, updated more than 1 year ago
Taylor Thomas
Created by Taylor Thomas almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

GIST Final Exam
  1. weapons of mass destruction
    1. nuclear, chemical, biological weapons
      1. Deterrence: inhibition of first strike nuclear attack by effective retaliatory or second-strike capability
      2. terrorism
        1. threat or use of violence to change an existing political order
          1. narco-terrorism
            1. alliance of drug traffickers & antigovernment revolutionaries, used in reference to political violence in Colombia
              1. Blends political ideology of the FARC with financial interests of drug lords
          2. EUROPE
            1. historical definition: roman empire brought judeo-christian tradition in first millennium CE, Renaissance in Italy, Reformation in Germany, Enlightenment, Spanish Monarchy in 1492=New World
              1. geographic definition: extends from tip of Norway to  Gibraltar in SW and Bosporus in the E, and Iceland in Atlantic to Ural Mountains in central Russia
                1. political definition: divided into 2 camps (NATO and Warsaw)
                  1. NATO: Western European countries with democratic govs, capitalism, and military alliance with US/Canada
                    1. Warsaw Pact (1955): formed by Soviet Union's satellite states in Eastern Europe
                      1. Yugoslavia unaligned despite communist
                    2. economic definition: synonymous with membership in the EU
                      1. cultural definition: cultural influences from Mediterranean area, ancient civilizations of Egypt, Palestine, Greece, and Rome
                        1. Christian; large Jewish population until Holocaust; Balkan Slavs are orthodox, Slavic/Hungarian Roman Catholics; Protestantism in norther/eastern Germany, England and Scandinavia
                        2. European Social Democracy
                          1. combines free market econ w/ social benefits and gov regulation
                            1. EU countries provide: universal healthcare, generous unemployment and pension benefits, nearly free higher education, and subsidized election campaigns, some national govs own airlines, railways, and other major industries
                          2. European Independence Movements
                            1. Catalonia seeks sovereignty from Spain
                              1. Basque terror group Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) has sought independence of the northern Basque region from Spain
                                1. Irish Republican Army (IRA) fought for end of British rule in N. Ireland and unification of Republic of Ireland
                              2. World Bank
                                1. loans for econ dev
                                2. IMF
                                  1. keeps currencies stable
                                  2. General Agreement on Tariffs (GATT)
                                    1. provides framework for reducing barriers to create freer trade between states
                                      1. turned into WTO
                                        1. Arbitrating international trade disputes and further lowering trade barriers
                                      2. Marshall Plan
                                        1. US financial aid program - $13 billion
                                          1. Helped jump-start western european countries after WWII
                                            1. Economic recovery ended in 1950s and ended Communist movement threat
                                              1. First step toward Western European economic integration
                                                1. US saw econ cooperation with W. Europe as a way to create a community of free-market economies and liberal democracies as a counterweight to Soviets
                                                2. ASIA
                                                  1. Newly Industrialized Countries
                                                    1. Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and South Korea
                                                    2. Models of State Formation
                                                      1. Japan: democratic, conservative
                                                        1. China: communist
                                                          1. freedoms, human rights remain an issue
                                                        2. Social Issues
                                                          1. level of population growth, urbanization
                                                          2. Central Asia
                                                            1. landlocked, emerged from Soviet control after the breakup of Soviet Union in 1991
                                                              1. Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan
                                                              2. Most of the people are Turkic, relatives of the modern Turks in Turkey
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