Unit 1.2 Memory


Year 9 Computing Mind Map on Unit 1.2 Memory, created by Jason Hull on 13/12/2017.
Jason Hull
Mind Map by Jason Hull, updated more than 1 year ago
Jason Hull
Created by Jason Hull about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 1.2 Memory
  1. RAM (Random Access Memory) is Volatile; Meanwhile ROM (Read Only Memory) is Non-Volatile
    1. Non-Volatile memory is Memory that will remain in the system after it has been powered off or disconnected.
      1. Meanwhile Volatile Memory is the opposite; and will be lost after the system is powered off or disconnected.
        1. RAM is located inside of the CPU.
          1. ROM is located in the BIOS chip.
            1. Compared to ROM, RAM is very expensive.
            2. Virtual Memory is a Memory management Technique that creates the illusion to Users of a Larger Storage.
              1. Essentially controls how many tabs you have open at a time, Without this RAM would not be able to with-hold so many open tabs at a time.
              2. Flash Memory is a solid state non-volatile portable computer storage that can be electrically erased and Reprogrammed.
                1. USB's and Software such as Hard drive's etc come in as Flash Memory. These are also Non Volatile and Solid State.
                  1. Solid State Drives (SSDs) are much faster than regular Hard disks; which have zero latency.
                    1. Solid State systems are built into the System.
                    2. A Cache is a Hardware/Software that stores Data so future Processes can be served faster.
                      1. Cache is also volatile Memory;
                        1. The memory in Cache is basic and short term.
                          1. The Cache can be found on the CPU.
                        2. BIOS (Basic Input Output System) is used in the Start up process.
                          1. Without BIOS, The System would not start properly.
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