

Fascist leader
colin gilligan
Mind Map by colin gilligan, updated more than 1 year ago
colin gilligan
Created by colin gilligan almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Background
    1. Ex-Italian soldier
      1. Fascio di Combattimento[wore blackshirts 1919]
        1. Adopted ancient Roman symbol [Fasces]
          1. 1922 march on Rome
            1. King appointed Mussolini PM
          2. Mussolini in Power
            1. Passed law to giving majority to majority
              1. Fascists got majority
              2. now in full control
                1. he ruled by decree
                  1. Banned all other parties
                    1. censored and controlled press and radio [propaganda]
                      1. OVRA- secret police used to crush opposition
                        1. controlled education and brainwashed youth [Balila & Piccole - youth org.]
                          1. Il Duce
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