Homeostasis and response: The regulation of conditions inside your body to maintain a stable internal environment in response to changes in both internal and external conditions


Mind Map on Homeostasis and response, created by chlor houghton on 19/12/2017.
chlor houghton
Mind Map by chlor houghton, updated more than 1 year ago
chlor houghton
Created by chlor houghton over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Homeostasis and response: The regulation of conditions inside your body to maintain a stable internal environment in response to changes in both internal and external conditions
  1. Comparison
    1. Hormones
      1. Act in general way
        1. Act for long time
          1. Slower
          2. Nerves:
            1. Fast
              1. Act for short time
                1. Act on precise area
              2. Comparison
                1. Nerves:
                  1. Act on precise area
                    1. Act for short time
                      1. Fast
                      2. Hormones
                        1. Slower
                          1. Act for long time
                            1. Act in general way
                          2. The endocrine system
                            1. Pancreas
                              1. Insulin
                                1. Regulates blood glucose level
                              2. Ovaries
                                1. Oestrogen
                                  1. Menstrual cycle
                                2. Testes
                                  1. Testosterone
                                    1. Controls puberty
                                      1. Sperm production
                                  2. Adrenal gland
                                    1. Adrenaline
                                      1. Fight or flight response
                                    2. Thyroid gland
                                      1. thyroxine
                                        1. Regulates rate of metabolism
                                          1. Heart rate
                                            1. Temperature
                                      2. Pituitary gland
                                        1. Produces many hormones
                                          1. Hormones produce act on other glands
                                            1. Direct them to release hormones to bring about change
                                        2. Uses hormones
                                          1. Chemical molecules released directly into blood
                                            1. Produced by glands
                                              1. Long lasting effects
                                              2. Only affect particular cells
                                          2. Nervous system
                                            1. Reflexes
                                              1. Reflex arc
                                                1. Measuring reaction time
                                                  1. Speed up:
                                                    1. Caffeine
                                                      1. Control variables
                                                        1. Same person
                                                          1. Same hand
                                                          2. Same height
                                                            1. No caffeine
                                                      2. Passes through CNS
                                                      3. Help prevent injury
                                                        1. Rapid, automatic responses
                                                      4. CNS
                                                        1. Brain + spinal cord
                                                          1. Connected by sensory and motor neurones
                                                            1. Motor neurones: carries impulses from CNS to effectors
                                                              1. Sensory neurones: carry impulses from receptors to CNS
                                                                1. Synapses: connection between 2 neurones
                                                                  1. Transferred by chemicals
                                                                    1. Diffuse across gap
                                                                      1. Set of new electrical signals in the next neurone
                                                        2. Cells need right conditions
                                                          1. Enzyme action
                                                            1. 3 main components-
                                                              1. Effectors
                                                                1. Carry out the response which counteracts the change
                                                                  1. Muscles and glands
                                                                    1. Glands secrete hormones
                                                                      1. Muscles contract
                                                                  2. Coordination cdntres
                                                                    1. Receives and processes the information and organises a response
                                                                      1. Brain, spinal cord and pamcreas
                                                                    2. Receptors
                                                                      1. Detects stimulus
                                                                        1. E.g light receptors in eyes
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