"Hamlet" Main Characters


Mind Map on "Hamlet" Main Characters, created by Mila García Barbeito on 12/01/2018.
Mila García Barbeito
Mind Map by Mila García Barbeito, updated more than 1 year ago
Mila García Barbeito
Created by Mila García Barbeito over 6 years ago

Resource summary

"Hamlet" Main Characters
  1. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark The crown prince of Denmark (he is mad and sees ghosts)
    1. Claudius, King of Denmark (he has usurped the throne and married his sister-in-law)
      1. Gertrude, Queen of Denmark Prince Hamlet's mother, King Hamlet's widow, King Claudius' wife.
        1. The Ghost Spirit of the late King Hamlet, condemned to walk the earth until his soul is cleansed of its sins.
          1. Polonius, The elderly Lord Chamberlain, chief counselor to Claudius
            1. Laertes, Polonius' son and Ophelia's brother; he returns from school because of King Hamlet's death, goes back to Paris, and then returns again after his own father's murder
              1. Ophelia, Daughter of Polonius, sister of Laertes, Ophelia is beloved of Hamlet.
              2. Horatio, A commoner, Horatio went to school with Hamlet and remains his loyal best friend
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