Electronic Structure


Explains how to draw the electronic structure of an atom and how to know what the charge is.
Olivia Dawkins
Mind Map by Olivia Dawkins, updated more than 1 year ago
Olivia Dawkins
Created by Olivia Dawkins over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Electronic Structure
  1. The electronic structure of an atom is a description of how the electrons are arranged.
    1. It can be shown as number of diagrams. (Preferably, diagrams)
      1. The smallest amount of electrons (the dots or crosses on the circle) you can have in a shell (the circle) is 2 on the very first shell (which is the smallest one)
        1. When you have 8 electrons (dots or crosses) on the second shell (the circle around the smallest one), you need to start the third shell. (a circle going around the other circle.
          1. The number of shells surrounding the atom determine how reactive the atom is.
            1. If there are 5 shells then it is really reactive but if there is one shell then it isn't really reactive or might not be reactive at all.
            2. If an atom GAINS electrons then it is a negatively charged ion and if it LOOSES an electron then it is positively charged.
              1. Remember the opposites.
                1. If you GAIN 2, then you must put brackets around the ion and put 2-
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