Causes of the Cold War


A Levels History MW (The Cold War) Mind Map on Causes of the Cold War, created by Fro Ninja on 02/06/2013.
Fro Ninja
Mind Map by Fro Ninja, updated more than 1 year ago
Fro Ninja
Created by Fro Ninja almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of the Cold War
  1. The Conferences
    1. Yalta Conference (Feb '45)
      1. Agreements
        1. Splitting of Germany
          1. Russia joining Japan War
            1. Germany to pay Consessions
            2. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
            3. Posdam Conference (July '45)
              1. Agreements
                1. Money to be paid by Germany
                  1. Details of Germany Split
                    1. USSR Sphere of Influence
                    2. Disagreements
                      1. Poland's Goverment
                        1. Land Ownership
                          1. Amount to be paid by Germany
                          2. Truman and Stalin
                        2. Berlin Blockade
                          1. USSR cut off Capitalist Berlin
                            1. All Land Communications Shut Down
                              1. USA and Britain send Supplies
                                1. Stalin forced to back down
                                  1. Looks weak
                                    1. Proves Marshall Plan
                                  2. Truman Doctrine
                                    1. Domino Theory
                                      1. Stop the Spread of Communism
                                        1. Containment
                                          1. Applied to:
                                            1. Vietnam
                                              1. Cuba
                                            2. Marshall Plan
                                              1. Europe needed money to not turn Red
                                                1. Congress Agree after Czech. turns
                                                  1. $17 Billion
                                                    1. Offered to USSR
                                                      1. Not Accepted
                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                    Causes of the Cold War Quiz
                                                    Fro Ninja
                                                    Conferences of the Cold War
                                                    Alina A
                                                    Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
                                                    Alina A
                                                    Development of Cold War Tensions
                                                    The Cold War-1960
                                                    Elizabeth BeHage
                                                    The Berlin Crisis
                                                    Alina A
                                                    CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS
                                                    Olivia Andrews
                                                    World War II Notebook
                                                    What were the Cause and Consequences of The Cuban Missile Crisis October 1962
                                                    Why did the Cold War begin?
                                                    The Berlin Crisis 1961 - Cause and Consequence