From east to west


abitur Englisch Mind Map on From east to west, created by merve balkanoglu on 17/01/2018.
merve balkanoglu
Mind Map by merve balkanoglu, updated more than 1 year ago
merve balkanoglu
Created by merve balkanoglu about 7 years ago

Resource summary

From east to west
  1. Canadian Shield
    1. acted as a barrier to settlement
      1. thinly populated until 19th century
        1. trans-continental railway lines were built
          1. attracts European immigrants with fertile lands
            1. acted as supply posts for the new farmers
              1. export point for the grain and cattle
    2. City of Calgary
      1. benefits from Rocky Mountains that the railway could be built through
        1. city grew steadily
          1. important centre for the wheat and oil industrie
            1. attracts e-commerce and electronics companies
              1. attracts tourists
      2. Vancouver
        1. Canada´s main port handling 75 millions tons of cargo a year
          1. also fastest growing city
            1. it processes and exports much of the ressources of British Columbia
              1. food processes and timber products
                1. has very good links with China, Japan and South Korea
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