Steps to Infection :)


User has deleted their subject information Mind Map on Steps to Infection :), created by Deleted user on 21/01/2018.
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Plymouth Med
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Plymouth Med
Copied by Plymouth Med about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Steps to Infection :)
  1. 1. Colonization
    1. 2. Invasion
      1. 3.Proliferation
        1. 4. Immune Response
          1. controls pathogen
            1. can lead to damage of normal cells as well
              1. immune responce can actually lead to pathology as well
          2. Viruses
            1. Invade physically host cells
            2. Bacteria
              1. Steal from host cells
                1. produce toxins
                  1. Usually don't enter into cells
                2. Microbe moves into vacant place
                  1. Adhesion to location
                    1. Multiplication
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