Research Methods Week 2


University Psychology Uni Mind Map on Research Methods Week 2, created by Abbey W on 23/01/2018.
Abbey W
Mind Map by Abbey W, updated more than 1 year ago
Abbey W
Created by Abbey W about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Research Methods Week 2
  1. Theories & Hypotheses
    1. Fact - a statement about a direct observation of nature that is so consistently repeated that virtually no doubt exists as to its truth value
      1. Theory - a collection of statements (propositions, hypotheses) that together attempt to explain a set of observed phenomena
        1. Integrated set of proposals that define, explain, organism interrelate - proposals that provide a model of how observed phenomena work
          1. Makes general predictions upon which specific hypothesis can be based
        2. Hypothesis - a clear but tentative explanation for an observed phenomena
          1. Hypotheses make specific predictions and must be falsifiable, testable and precisely stated
            1. Must be rational - consistent with known info
              1. Must be parsimonious - is the explanation the simplest possible?
          2. Constructs vs variables
            1. Constructs - Theoretical concepts formulated to serve as causal or descriptive explanations - do not directly indicate a means by which they can be tested
              1. Constructs defines by theoretical definitions Variables defined by operational definitions
                1. Variables - any characteristics that can assume multiple values e.g weight, test score - must be operational
                  1. Examples of constructs - self esteem, body image - variables would be scores on self esteem test
                    1. Independent variables - variable that is manipulated and is hypothesised to bring about the change in the variable of interest
                      1. Dependent variable - variable that is measured
                    2. Subjects Design
                      1. Between Subjects - exposed to one level of IV
                        1. Within Subjects - exposed to all levels of IV
                          1. Mixed Designs - mixture of between and within
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