Classical Conditioning Foundations


Psychology Mind Map on Classical Conditioning Foundations, created by Micailah Moore on 24/01/2018.
Micailah Moore
Mind Map by Micailah Moore, updated more than 1 year ago
Micailah Moore
Created by Micailah Moore over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Classical Conditioning Foundations
  1. Excitatory Conditioning
    1. CS+
      1. Fear conditioning, eyeblink conditioning, sign tracking, and conditioned taste aversion are all examples of this
    2. Inhibitory Conditioning
      1. CS-
        1. CS signals absence of US - unlike excitatory procedures where CS signals presence of US
      2. Five Common Conditioning Procedures
        1. Inter-trial Interval
          1. The time between trials or CS-US pairings.
          2. Pseudo-conditioning
            1. Responding due to sensitization, not CS
            2. Probe/Test Trial
              1. CS alone
                1. Measures of responding
                  1. Magnitude
                    1. To measure CR. Example: How many drops of saliva
                    2. Probability
                      1. the percentage of trials on which a CR is elicited by the CS
                      2. Latency
                        1. Measures how soon the CR occurs after the onset of the CS
                      3. Present US as frequently as CS
                        1. Random Control Procedure
                          1. US presented randomly throughout trials
                          2. Explicitly Unpaired Control
                            1. CS-US pairing is separated by long delay, trial, or session
                      4. Summation Test
                        1. Determine the efficacy of a CS
                        2. Applications
                          1. Substance Abuse/ Addiction
                            1. Sexual Behaviors
                              1. Blue Gourami
                                1. Defending territories against other males. Each winner and loser was forced to defend its territory against a novel male in an unsignaled encounter 3 days later. Males for which the first contest was signaled not only were more likely to defeat their rivals than control males but, having won that encounter, they also were more likely to win a second contest than fish that had lost their first encounter. All losers lost their second contest.
                              2. Choice, Decision Making, Reasoning
                                1. CS = Expectation
                                  1. No US = Frustration
                                    1. Emotional Response
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