Microwaves/ Conventional and Convection Ovens


by Stephanie M.
Stephanie Mendez
Mind Map by Stephanie Mendez, updated more than 1 year ago
Stephanie Mendez
Created by Stephanie Mendez over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Microwaves/ Conventional and Convection Ovens
  1. In microwaves, the magnetron creates microwaves that then enter the food
    1. dipolar molecules begin to move back and forth, causing friction and producing heat
    2. In a convection oven, food is cooked at least 25 degrees lower than a convectional oven
      1. Food cooks more evenly in a convection oven
      2. Convection oven parts / use
        1. has 3 heating elements (one more in the back)
          1. fan dispenses heat
            1. use shallow pans
              1. pans should be a lighter color
              2. food cooks evenly and faster
              3. microwaves
                1. use potholders to avoid burns
                  1. Turn dishes several times while during the cooking period
                    1. larger amounts of food take longer to cook
                      1. pierce food with a skin to let steam escape
                        1. use glass, ceramic or plastic dishes that are safe in the microwave oven
                          1. Heat is inside the food so food does not stop cooking when you turn the oven off
                            1. The more food is being cooked, the less energy there is for each time to absorb
                              1. microwaves bounce off the sides of the oven
                                1. Steam can build up inside confined spaces and causes food to explode
                                  1. Use sauces, herbs, or toppings to make pale foods look better
                                  2. Conventional ovens only have two heating elements
                                    1. this causes the food to be cooked slower
                                    2. Food on all three racks cooks evenly in convection ovens
                                      1. Food cooks at a lower temp. in a convection oven
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