Two features of education in Elizabethan England (4)
You had to be rich to attend school as
education was expensive so it was popular
with gentry and nobles
Education wasn't as important as poorer people would be trained to be
labourers whereas the upper class would be prepared for a life in court and to
be gentle men
Teachers would be locals so if you got a decent education
depended on your area so richer people = richer areas = better
How did the treatment of the poor change during Elizabeth's reign? (12)
Punished beggars (vagabonds) by burning through
the ear - deterred other
The vagabond act of 1572 meant from
14 they could be punished
If you were punished on 3
occasions you would be executed
They categorised the poor
Idle beggars
Pretended to be sick and stole
Deserving poor/deserving unemployed
wanted to work but couldn't
Population increase - less jobs
Government gave them materials so they could
make and sell things
Poor relief
Children of vagabonds would be put into domestic service
Kept children clothed and fed
Roof over their head
Learn trade from domestic chores
Act for the relief of the poor
Try to find people to work, if refused they go to the house of
correction (prison) where they work 16-18 hours per day
Why did people go on voyages? (12)
Expansion of trade
The wool trade in Europe collapsed so we
needed to trade further away
Gave us new things/wanted to increase
products available/gives more money
Creates financial opportunities
Makes money from new
Stealing from Spain
This creates a conflict with Spain
We tried to spread Protestantism - needed to go
further away to convert new countries - most of
Europe = Catholic
It was a christian duty to
civilise people
Felt that rest of the world was more
developed than us
This links to development of technology
Better ships: Triangular sails, Astrolobe,
longitude and longitude on maps
lead to more voyages as they could go further and
faster, this increased navigational knowledge
Printing press
Increased knowledge
Made people want to explore
encouraged people to sail
New discoveries
More experienced sailors
Encourages people to read books
Trading with the new world illegally
Francis Drake and Walter Raleigh were
"The Spanish Armada failed because of England's
strengths" Do you agree? (16)
Walter Raleigh
Discovered the ark royal, the main
ship of the English fleet
Helped with discovering new
technology for ships
Better weapons - rapid fire canons
Francis Drake
'Singing of the kings beard' - sailed to the Spanish
fleet and attacked them there - delayed the
John/Lord Hawkins
came up with the idea of sacrificing ships and sending them
towards Spain
designed and fitted ships
England's strengths
Kept distance when attacking
although Spain planned to jump
Well thought out plan -
Spain's weaknesses
Bad communication - No communication between the Duke of Parma and
the Duke of Medina Spanish fleet fail to meet parma and scatter
Battle of grave lines - England used
fireships - lead Spain to panic
Bad weather caused Spanish ships to be destroyed on
their way home through Ireland
Spanish ships lacked supplies e.g. food, - damaged Spain's morale and their ability to fight