Jewish Principle Beliefs


year 11 Religion 1 Mind Map on Jewish Principle Beliefs, created by katemylott on 06/06/2013.
Mind Map by katemylott, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by katemylott over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Jewish Principle Beliefs
  1. God is Eternal
    1. central to Judaism
      1. Will always exist and existed before the dawn of creation
        1. source of creation
          1. human beings owe their origin to god
            1. Ultimate destiny lies with god in eternity
              1. god predates creation
              2. God is one
                1. Monotheism
                  1. central to Judaism
                    1. unique and indivisible
                      1. reflected in the prayer (Shema)
                        1. rejects any for of idolatry
                          1. Maimonides' Thirteen Principles: God is the first and the last
                          2. Moses and the Torah
                            1. moral law: beliefs came from
                              1. Old Testemate; central point
                                1. Torah (first 5 books of Moses)
                                  1. Orthodox and Conservative
                                  2. Tanakh (all of the Hebrew bible)
                                    1. Hebrews are God's chosen people
                                      1. Abraham is the father of Judaism
                                        1. Divine Moral law: Halacha
                                        2. Covenant
                                          1. 613 Mitzvat
                                            1. 365 negative and 248 positive
                                            2. after life and final judgement
                                              1. Living out the halachah
                                                1. spiritual relationship wish God
                                                  1. Fulfilling the commandments shows the connection with God
                                                    1. binding agreement
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