Liberal Reforms


History 2 Mind Map on Liberal Reforms, created by pc-11 on 07/06/2013.
Mind Map by pc-11, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pc-11 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Liberal Reforms
  1. Children
    1. 1906
      1. free school meals
        1. 1914 150,000 children received them
          1. Optional for councils only a few gave them
        2. 1908
          1. Children's Charter
            1. Punishment for child crulity
            2. Illegal to sell cigarettes
              1. separate courts and jails
              2. 1907
                1. Medical inspections
              3. Old People
                1. 1908
                  1. Pensions introduced
                    1. 5s
                      1. 7s 6d per couple
                        1. Kept many out of work houses
                          1. Not given to people who had never worked
                      2. Workers
                        1. 1911
                          1. National insurance act
                            1. Free medical treatment
                              1. For a payment of 4d a week
                                1. Life saver
                                  1. only for person working not family
                                  2. Sick pay of 10s a week for 26 weeks
                                    1. Vital safety net
                                      1. Not enough to live on
                                        1. Poor people had to pay it out of their wages
                                          1. Only lasted limited time
                                          1. 1906
                                            1. The Trades Disputes Act
                                              1. Trade Unions not liable for damages caused by strikes
                                              2. The Workers Compensation Act
                                                1. Gave compensation if injured at work
                                              3. 1908
                                                1. eight hour day for miners
                                                2. 1910
                                                  1. half a day off a week for shop miners
                                                3. Unemployed
                                                  1. 1909
                                                    1. Labour exchanges
                                                      1. Help find work
                                                        1. 1914 1 million employed through it
                                                          1. Most part time or temporary
                                                        2. 1911
                                                          1. Unemployment pay
                                                            1. 7s 6d for 15 weeks
                                                              1. For 2 1/2d a week
                                                          2. Other
                                                            1. A Merchant Shipping Act improved conditions for sailors
                                                              1. 1911
                                                                1. MPs paid
                                                                  1. Allowed working class opportunity
                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                              OCR GCSE History-Paper Two: The Liberal Reforms 1906-14 Poverty to Welfare State NEW FOR 2015!!!
                                                              I Turner
                                                              Heidi C
                                                              The Liberal Reforms
                                                              Louisa Wania
                                                              Why the 1906-1914 Liberal Reforms Happened
                                                              Julia falconer
                                                              Suffragettes & The Home Front.
                                                              Causes of Liberal Reforms
                                                              The Liberal Welfare Reforms.
                                                              Liberal Reforms
                                                              Liberal Reforms
                                                              Liberal Reforms