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The themes in Handmaid's Tale
Mind Map on The themes in Handmaid's Tale, created by Jasmine Okai on 08/09/2014.
Mind Map by
Jasmine Okai
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Jasmine Okai
over 10 years ago
Resource summary
The themes in Handmaid's Tale
"Time is measured in bells"
Sense of conformity
strict, no independence
"As in a nunnery too, there are few mirrors" to avoid vanity and individual expression
Devices to
to which we derive nuns (female only)
Holy, adds to sense of religion by comparing the two
"White wings"
Angel connotations
Purity and innocence
Holiness and light
Messengers of God
"keep us from seeing but also from being seen"
"the colour of blood which defines us"
The blood of Christ spilt when he was crucified
seen to "define us" because he died for our sins
no individualism- uniform is same so status is equal
Passion/ Love/ Lust
sinful past?
died for our sins
"A sister, dipped in blood"
describes herself as this, reference to her sin with the Commander or fertility
The role of the Handmaids
Acts to fulfil tasks
Fairytale allusion
Maintaining household
Offred's detailed description of the "Victorian" house and surroundings
Narrative techniques
Purely descriptive
"I get up out of the chair"
"The red gloves are lying on the bed"
stark language at the start, then becomes more complex (gaining confidence of reader?)
her stream of consciousness
"-not MY room, I refuse to say MY-"
sounds professional
"A sitting room in which I never sit"
Attwood's use of language
Use of colour
Theme of freedom
use of italics highlight individual retaliation and freedom
"once a tree"
"distorted shadow"
"path through a forest"
"descending towards a moment of carelessness"
Theme of nobility and history
Used to emphasise need for freedom?
"carpet for royalty"
"turned into another century, rubbed to a warm gloss"
idea of improvement and making things better
Can be linked to idea of indoctrination
Applied to Offred and all handmaid's
She didn't even get to keep her name explaining need for her to exaggerate personal pronoun MY
The rules, routines and values of Gilead
All women must wear one, men do not have to
Indicator of status
Must wear what is issued to you dependant on position you hold
"Shopping basket"
Indicator of status
Roles and jobs are normal
Strict conformity and control
"Time here is measured in bells"
Respect for the traditional
"Late Victorian, the house is"
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