chronicles, columns and news


mapa conceptual sobre el periodismo
omar nicolas guerrero
Mind Map by omar nicolas guerrero, updated more than 1 year ago
omar nicolas guerrero
Created by omar nicolas guerrero over 6 years ago

Resource summary

chronicles, columns and news
  1. news
    1. it's a event new o newflngled
      1. its kinds are :
        1. political
          1. economy
            1. social
            2. it's shared through the media
              1. radio
                1. newspapaer
                  1. T.V
                    1. internet
                    2. it answered
                      1. what
                        1. who
                          1. how
                            1. when
                              1. where
                                1. why
                                  1. for what
                                2. chronicle
                                  1. it is use in historiography
                                    1. it's history register
                                    2. use a cronological order
                                      1. its etimology is : books that follow the order of time
                                        1. it's a narration that follow the time's order
                                          1. annals
                                            1. it describe the events for each year
                                            2. kinds
                                              1. live
                                                1. it continue accumulating events after be written
                                                2. death
                                                  1. when it just written don't continue
                                            3. columns
                                              1. journalistic genre
                                                1. article that is written by a specific person in a newspaper
                                                  1. free topic
                                                    1. it is written for a only person
                                                      1. the kinds are :
                                                        1. informatic
                                                          1. opinion
                                                            1. personal
                                                              1. homoristic
                                                                1. personalitis
                                                                  1. revoltillo
                                                                    1. literary
                                                                      1. social
                                                                        1. analitical
                                                                      2. newspaper's division
                                                                        1. it is newspaper's form division
                                                                          1. is used every time in news papaer
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