Exchange rate - The price of one currency
expressed in terms of another e.g. £1 approx.
Quality - The extent to which a consumer is satisfied with a
Exports - Goods and services produced by a business in one country and sold in a different
Price - The amount a business asks a customer to pay for a single
Imports - goods amd services purchased from overseas by consumers and
Competing internationally
Product design include issues such as appearance, durability and features. By
constantly updating products UK businesses can keep up with trends and
competitors globally
If new products design is seen as being better to competitors
then the business can charge a higher price or maximise sales
by staying as a similar price
Quality and price
Better quality means it meets consumer needs,
satisfied consumer = more likely they are to buy
Quality and price work together when consumers are buying products with a lower price and similar
quality to competitors , e.g. Aldi has a reputation from low prices and better quality than other
supermarkets attracting more customers
Changes in exchange
Exchange rates have a big affect on selling and buying
good internationally
Exports - Goods and services produced by
a business in one country and sold in
different one e.g. Building Benetly cars in
the UK and selling them in China
Imports - Goods and Services purchased from overseas by
consumers and businesses e.g. steel from China is purchased
by Bentley to make their cars in the UK
If the pound rises against other countries imported good
become cheaper
If it is more expensive to but something
abroad,imports to the UK become more expensive
Exports will become cheaper
Effect of exchange rate on business
A fall in exchange rate means exports are cheaper and it is
cheaper to but abroad, increasing demand and sales
Sales may not always increase, decisions to buy
aren't always price based they also consider brand
names and reliability
Rises in exchange rates makes imports cheaper
meaning overseas manufactures can sell products
cheaper, making it difficult for businesses selling
only in UK - sales reduce
Effect of exchange rate on businesses
A fall in exchange rate should increase the profits of UK businesses that export as products
will sell for lower price. The price received in pounds is the same for each product but as
they are selling greater numbers sales revenue rises, increasing profits.
Cost of production per unit may rise as businesses must import
raw materials such as steel, starting the increase in profits. A fall in
exchange rate will have the opposite effect